East Sussex Association of Local Councils Limited

Agenda for a Board Meeting

To be held remotely by Zoom on

Monday 29th March 2021 at 9:30am

ItemItem DescriptionAction(s)Who
 1Apologies for absenceTo receive apologies for absence  Chairman
 2Minutes of the previous meetingTo approve and sign the minutes of the meeting held on 18th February 2021The Board & Chairman
 3Update on actions from last meetingTo discuss matters arising and update on actions from last meetingChairman & CEO
 4Welcome to Emily SimpsonNewly appointed Admin and Finance Assistant  Chairman & CEO
 5Progress report from the Working PartyMatters to be in place for 1st AprilWorking Party
 6FinanceUpdate to include subscription invoicing  Chairman & CEO
 7Strategy – member councilsTo consider a strategy of engagement with member Councils and ClerksChairman & CEO
 8Strategy – WSALCTo consider a strategy of engagement with WSALCChairman & CEO
 9HousingImpact of protected land on housing numbersChairman & CEO
 10Any other matters  Any other matters to be raised by Board MembersChairman
 11Date of next meetingTo be arrangedThe Board