Compulsory Introductory Session

Before embarking on CiLCA, a compulsory introduction session must be attended. Students will be required to complete a Training Needs Assessment prior to attending. This session gives interested and potential students an opportunity to learn fully about the course before enrolling further.


Following the compulsory introduction session and once enrolled onto the Sussex CiLCA Programme, students will be expected to attend three four-hour training face-to-face training days where guidance will be given on completing your portfolio. This includes useful information and case studies, along with activities and group discussions to help support students through their CiLCA journey.

The training sessions will be delivered over a three-month period with an expectation that students will work through their learning outcomes at their own pace between each training session. There will be an opportunity to discuss draft work or queries to support students in finalising learning outcomes for submission at each training session.

Please note that the training and mentoring programme is not (currently) compulsory, however, it is strongly advised by SLCC and the awarding body, Ascentis. There are other training bodies nationally who also provide training on the CiLCA.

If you enrol onto the Sussex Training Programme, to ensure that you are supported whilst doing the training, you will be asked to complete a Learning Agreement setting out the expectation of the trainer, student and employer. A copy will be issued by the trainers for you to complete and bring with you to your training session.


The Sussex CiLCA Programme includes one-to-one support for six months from the first training session. Mentors are available to answer questions, sign post information and provide support to students.

Trainers and Mentors

In some counties there are separate CiLCA trainers and mentors, in Sussex’s case the trainers and mentors are the same:

Pauline Whitehead BA (Hons) FSLCC – Parish Clerk & RFO to North Horsham Parish Council, has CiLCA, and a BA (Hons) Community Engagement and Governance.

Sue Hobbs BA (Hons) FSLCC– has CiLCA and a BA (Hons) in Community Engagement and Governance. 

Both operate using a shared email account:


There are three costs involved which are detailed below:

Compulsory Introduction – £30

This fee will only be charged to attendees that do not enrol on the Sussex CiLCA Programme

Sussex Training Programme – £365 
 Registration Fee (paid to SLCC)  £410

We are unable to advise on how CiLCA costs are recovered, for example whether the student or employer covers costs. However, it is advisable that each party negotiates to agree on a suitable arrangement. It is also a matter between the candidate and their Council as to whether they are expected to study CiLCA in their own time or whether study leave can be negotiated.

For further enquiries, please contact Pauline Whitehead at

For further details please download this introduction leaflet.