East Sussex Association of Local Councils Limited

Agenda for a Board Meeting

To be held at Uckfield Civic Centre

Monday 17th April 2023 at 10.30am

ItemItem DescriptionAction(s)Who
 Apologies for absenceTo receive apologies for absence  Chairman
 Minutes of the previous meetingTo approve and sign the minutes of the meeting held on 17th January 2023The Board & Chairman
 Financial updateTo receive an overview of ESALC finances; subscription fees, and to update on the CCLA savings accountCllr. Keith Stevens
 Planning, targets and the Government’s plan Planning Reform ConsultationCIL ConsultationThe 58 questions, the Planning and Levelling Up Bill is currently at the Committee Stage in the House of LordsCloses 9th June  CEO
 CEO updateTo include clerk recruitment and training updateCEO
 ElectionsCEO to report on the known position relating to contested electionsCEO
 Ashdown ForestRequest by the Conservators to join ESALCCEO
 East Sussex County Council highways contractorCllr. Johnny Denis to report on ESCC’s new highways contractor and to address local concerns of residents and communities when prioritising works to footways, cycle paths and roads.Cllr. Johnny Denis
 District AssociationsReport from recent meetingsDALC Chairmen
 Any other matters raised by Board members All
 Date of next meetingTo be arrangedThe Board