East Sussex Association of Local Councils Limited
Agenda for a Board Meeting
To be held at Uckfield Civic Centre
Monday 17th April 2023 at 10.30am
Item | Item Description | Action(s) | Who |
Apologies for absence | To receive apologies for absence | Chairman | |
Minutes of the previous meeting | To approve and sign the minutes of the meeting held on 17th January 2023 | The Board & Chairman | |
Financial update | To receive an overview of ESALC finances; subscription fees, and to update on the CCLA savings account | Cllr. Keith Stevens | |
Planning, targets and the Government’s plan Planning Reform ConsultationCIL Consultation | The 58 questions, the Planning and Levelling Up Bill is currently at the Committee Stage in the House of LordsCloses 9th June | CEO | |
CEO update | To include clerk recruitment and training update | CEO | |
Elections | CEO to report on the known position relating to contested elections | CEO | |
Ashdown Forest | Request by the Conservators to join ESALC | CEO | |
East Sussex County Council highways contractor | Cllr. Johnny Denis to report on ESCC’s new highways contractor and to address local concerns of residents and communities when prioritising works to footways, cycle paths and roads. | Cllr. Johnny Denis | |
District Associations | Report from recent meetings | DALC Chairmen | |
Any other matters raised by Board members | All | ||
Date of next meeting | To be arranged | The Board |