East Sussex Association of Local Councils Limited

Agenda for a Board Meeting

To be held remotely by Zoom on

Thursday 17th November 2022 at 10.30am

ItemItem DescriptionAction(s)Who
 Apologies for absenceTo receive apologies for absence  Chairman
 Minutes of the previous meetingTo approve and sign the minutes of the meeting held on 5th September 2022The Board & Chairman
 AGM & ConferenceCEO to provide an update on the AGM & Conference on 30th NovemberCEO
 ESALC subscription 2023/24To agree the subscription for 2023/24CEO & The Board
 Pay scales & StaffingTo discuss a Working from Home allowance for the employees To update the Board on the latest pay scales which have been agreedCEO & The Board
 Northiam Parish CouncilTo brief the Board on significant problems at Northiam Parish Council and communication from Rother District CouncilCEO
 Any other matters raised by Board members All
 Date of next meeting (excluding the AGM)To be arrangedThe Board