East Sussex Association of Local Councils Limited

Agenda for a Board Meeting

To be held at Heathfield Community Centre

Monday 19th  August 2024 at 10.30am

ItemItem DescriptionAction(s)Who
 Apologies for absenceTo receive apologies for absence  Chairman
 Minutes of the previous meetingTo approve and sign the minutes of the meeting held on 30th April 2024The Board & Chairman
 Financial updateTo receive an overview of ESALC finances; to review and approve the 2023-24 accounts; to agree a date for the Finance Committee meetingChairman
 NALC updateChairman to reportChairman
 Civility and RespectChairman to reportChairman
 Police updateCEO to report to include update on focus groupsCEO
 CEO updateCEO to report [to include Conference theme and date]CEO
 District AssociationsReport from recent meetingsDALC Chairmen
 Any other matters raised by Board membersTo include an update on the Sussex Rural Affordable Housing PartnershipAll
 Date of next meetingTo be arrangedThe Board