ESALC November 2021 Newsletter
Dear Members, As the end of 2021 draws closer, we want to thank you for keeping your membership with ESALC as we navigated our transition in the first few months of the year from SSALC to ESALC. We now feel very settled with our new and independent East Sussex status Read more…
Funding & Grants Bulletin
Please see the following attachment for all the latest information on funding and grants.
ESALC Newsletter August 2021
ESALC Training ProgrammeWe are really pleased with how our 2021 training programme is shaping up. It has been great to see so many attendees at many of our online sessions. We are now running training sessions in the following areas: New/Refresher Councillors, Chairman, Planning, Finance, Social Media and New Clerks. Read more…
5 July Draft Minutes
East Sussex Association of Local Councils Limited Minutes of the virtual Board Meeting held via Zoom on Monday 5th July 2021 at 1pm _______________________________________________________________________ Directors Present Ruth O’Keeffe (Chair) Lewes District Association Kay Moss Wealden District Association Keith Stevens Wealden District Association Mike Garner Wealden District Association Peter Turner Rother District Association Read more…