12th October 2022 minutes

Minutes of a Meeting of the Wealden District Association of Local Councils held in the Green Room in the Civic Centre in Uckfield on Wednesday 12th October 2022 at 7.00 pm 1. Present: Councillors Keith Stevens (Chairman, Wartling), Robert Nathan (Hartfield), Deveda Redman (Mayfield and Five Ashes), Martyn Garrett (Crowborough), Read more…

Warm Hubs

We are keen to encourage councils to use village halls and community buildings as havens of warmth. The below example of Fairlight Parish Council’s approach is a great example of what you could be doing in your parish.

NEW training courses run by Breakthrough Communications

Working in partnership with ESALC, Breakthrough Communications are delighted to announce their new programme of communications and compliance-focused training courses for parish and town councils across East Sussex. From community engagement to social media, interpersonal skills to brand new data protection courses, Breakthrough Communications have refreshed their courses with latest Read more…